TrustMe Discovers > Ingests > Engages: Scans, orchestrates, and reports to enhance the security, performance, and compliance of your software development lifecycle.  TrustMe’s AI-driven solution provides observability into security and risks, delivering actionable insights, preemptive analytics, and productivity. TrustMe manages risk and security posture across People, Process, Product and Perimeter for engineering and DevOps teams.

Discover: Automatically find all code, devices, and endpoints

Ingest: Load structured and unstructured data

Engage: Identify productivity, security, and cost issues from a holistic single pane-of-glass dashboard


Aggregates data across security, asset management, issue management, business context, third-party risk, employee productivity and efficiency, and assessment framework guidelines

Application Security

Built-in application security tools provide Software Code Analysis (SCA), software vulnerability scans, Software Bill of Materials (SBOM), and endpoint application security

Actionable Insights

Correlates and normalizes related risks, security, and productivity to enable modeling of risks and derive actionable insights

Productivity & Efficiency

Software Engineering Intelligence Platform (SEIP) analyzes the productivity of developers and IT staff and efficiency of digital assets

Enterprise Knowledge Graph

Maps relationships across the organization by continuously gathering data automatically

Predictive Analytics

Contextualizes risk, security, and productivity data to predict outcomes, identify consequences, and optimize decisions

Continuous Monitoring

Monitors operations in real-time for holistic continuous visibility


Quantifies trustworthiness for a competitive advantage and meets Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) requirements


Provide the tools and services to implement best practices for security and operations by optimizing the testing and analyses of security processes.

TrustMe’s Application Security Posture Management (ASPM) solution takes an event-driven “shift left” approach that enables developers to fix code and vulnerability issues before they submit the code to remote repositories. This reduces the cost of fixing defects and vulnerabilities versus later in the software development.

Built-in agents include:

Cloud Native Application Protection (CNAPP):

Helps organizations build, deploy, and run secure cloud-native applications throughout their lifecycle

Static Application Security Testing (SAST):

Provides real-time analysis, identifying issues within application source code

Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST):

Detects security vulnerabilities early in the development cycle, saving costs

Software Composition Analysis (SCA):

Identifies open-source libraries, security issues, license compliance, and code quality to mitigate risks

Software Bill-of-Material (SBOM) Analysis:

Identifies license information of open-source and third-party software components to mitigate legal and reputation risk

Infrastructure-as-a-Code (IAC) Analysis:

Identifies weaknesses in infrastructure configuration, analyzes images, and detects vulnerabilities before deployment

A person checks his laptop while sitting on the sand glass timer


Measure and quantify team and individual productivity and risk, providing actionable insights to drive efficiency initiatives, training, and sprint planning.

Connect with Jira, GitHub, BitBucket, Gitlab and SVN to measure developer productivity through open/closed tickets, completed sprints, and code commits

Understand project & sprint productivity

Measure predictability through Git/SVN analytics

TrustMe drives productivity and efficiency posture management, starting with looking at employee productivity and risk. TrustMe’s platform continuously measures and quantifies productivity based on activities, while also identifying potential threats like moonlighting or insider risks.

TrustMe specializes in developer productivity, providing actionable insights into efficiency, adherence to timelines, and overall performance. These insights empower organizations to optimize processes, develop targeted training, and reduce costs.


By analyzing productivity at the project and sprint levels, TrusMe offers a comprehensive view of team and individual performance. This enables better sprint planning, resource allocation, and improved project predictability.

TrustMe’s Git/SVN analytics provide deep insights into development workflows, identifying bottlenecks and opportunities for improvement. This data-driven approach enhances overall development productivity and efficiency.

Key benefits include:

Track and analyze development productivity to identify performance gaps

Predict and improve development progress for on-time delivery

Analyze individual developer productivity using metrics like story points, bug fixes, and security vulnerabilities

Visualize productivity insights with charts including: Velocity; Burndown; Lead Time; Cycle Time; Tempo Hours; Request For Enhancement Rate; Defect Rate; Roadmap Ticket Rate; and Support Assistance Rate


  • Probes built-in for servers & endpoints
  • Runs CNAPP (SAST, DAST, SCA), QCA, & IaC scanners
  • Discovers assets (Libraries, DBMS, Files, etc.)
  • Checks for patches
  • Provides telemetry


SaaS Orchestrator and Risk & Security Posture Management Control Center


Data aggregation


Live reports & analytics


Scans applications & assets and integrates with 3rd party tools (SAST, DAST, SCA, IaC, & QCA)


AI guided inquiries & analytics


AI guided calculation



  • Scanners & monitors
  • Client scanners & monitors
  • Integrator (with CI/CD/issue
    Management, Assets Management, Reputation Sources, Third-Parties)


  • Installs in data center, private or public cloud
  • Enables access for scanners to the test code and applications
  • Sends telemetry from repos such as Gitlab, JIRA, and endpoints
  • Integrates with APIs to AWS, BitBucket, GitHub, GitLab, Jira, and SVN