How TrustMe helped save a million dollars in security and infrastructure costs


TrustMe worked with Webpushr, a startup building a push notifications platform, to help them with infrastructure and code security. 

With this case study, we want to highlight how companies can utilize’s CISO offering to manage their security posture so they can focus on what they do best - serve their customers. This allows them to stay ahead of the constant risk and posture requirements that are becoming more and more sophisticated and government mandated.

The Challenge

As the company expanded its client base and handled sensitive data through its web push notification platform, the need for robust cybersecurity measures became increasingly apparent. However, being a small firm, hiring a full-time Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) was not a viable option. The annual salary for a CISO can be around $300,000, and even a part time IT admin or security analyst can exceed $100,000.  And these can be even higher for large corporations and high cost of living areas.  The absence of dedicated security personnel left the company vulnerable to cyberattacks, data breaches, and other security risks.

The company had code and infrastructure distributed across two continents that required sophistication to properly secure and protect.  Imad Ashfaq, Founder and CEO of WebPushr, described it by saying “We do not have unlimited resources and expertise to focus on security as we are consumed with building solutions for our customers. We wanted a partner that could help take care of our security and risk posture while we focused on what we do best”.

“We see thousands of attempts to break into our systems on a monthly basis. In addition we write code constantly that requires a system that ensures it is secure and not using vulnerable third party libraries. We wanted to have a real-time, always working CISO to handle this but could not realistically do that. came to the rescue”.

With a small team spread across two countries, we needed to ensure we are ahead of the game in managing and securing their digital assets and intellectual property. Our lack of dedicated security personnel and expertise could expose us to potential cyber threats, jeopardizing both our data and our client’s information, so we used the TrustMe CISO to deploy an affordable, easy-to-use and real-time solution.

- Imad Ashfaq
Founder and CEO, Web Pushr


By leveraging’s CISO solution, Webpushr successfully addressed its cybersecurity challenges, safeguarding its digital assets and client data. It’s a tool they use every day, and the enhanced security measures recommended by’s solution not only protected the company from potential threats but also instilled confidence and trust among clients, contributing to the overall success and growth of Webpushrs.

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Webpushr is the fastest growing web push notifications platform used by marketers. It is the second largest notification provider by volume. With an easy to use and deploy API, developers can integrate notification functionality quickly and economically. Webpushr provides a powerful tool that can help customers increase engagement with their website visitors and drive more traffic and conversions. The company offers an intuitively designed web console to manage and automate browser push notifications to users anytime.

Webpushr’s cloud based platform is reliable, resilient and scales as customers grow. They currently support 10,000+ businesses and billions of push notifications. Customer’s trust is the most important guiding principle for Webpushr in how they design their platform and store information.

The TrustMe Solution

Recognizing the importance of cybersecurity, Webpushr decided to explore virtual CISO (vCISO) solutions. After careful consideration, they partnered with with services tailored for small businesses. The virtual CISO provided expertise on-demand, offering strategic guidance and support to enhance the company's overall security posture.

Webpushr researched a number of potential solutions and realized that was best suited to help them. They wanted an affordable solution that did not require dedicated experts on their side to deploy and integrate it. They wanted a solution that was ‘always on’ and provided an easy to navigate dashboard that focused on the important and relevant risks to their enterprise and provided actionable recommendations. checked all the boxes.

The solution was deployed and integrated in less than a week and Webpusher started seeing results right away.


WebPushr estimates that they probably saved a million dollars by working with TrustMe.  In their research, implementing their own in-house security from a software infrastructure and training point of view could easily cost more than $50,000 while hiring a team to staff that would bring the total over a million dollars. 

Virtual CISO options could maybe decrease that by about a third.  TrustMe was able to do this for about a tenth of the cost for Webpushr.  With the solution deployed and running, Webpusher can keep an eye on their environment by using the Dashboard.

This provides them insights across their enterprise and easily allows them to focus on the right areas.

Every morning I start the day by looking at the Dashboard. It is easy to use and gives me the correct focus areas. With news stories of breaches across industries and the devastating impact on customers and businesses, I now have some peace of mind. Not only did it save us a million dollars versus building our own team, we are building real trust with our customers.

- Imad Ashfaq
Founder and CEO, Web Pushr

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