Why do you need a CISO?

Applications and infrastructure have security vulnerabilities. i Illegal and outdated libraries pose legal and productivity risks while underutilized assets (e..g, Cloud storage, DBMS, packages) pose inefficiency risks.  The damages that can result include security breaches, compliance violations, and lost money, reputation, and ultimately trust.

Enterprises often have a Chief Information Security Officer, or CISO, as an executive who oversees an organization’s information, cyber, and technology security.  Many SMBs and mid-market companies don’t have the resources or budget to hire a senior-level executive or dedicated team to drive these efforts.  A vCISO provides the same services as a full-time, in-house CISO that works with organizations that do not have or cannot afford a full-time CISO or may not have the resources to maintain an entire cybersecurity team.

To overcome the above challenges, TrustMe is offering a virtual Chief Information Security Officer that give a strategic and comprehensive approach to fortify your organization against cyber threats, providing tailored solutions to safeguard your assets and maintain compliance.

What’s included?

With the TrustMe Gold CISO offering, you get security and risk posture management capabilities without an
expensive infrastructure and investments.

TrustMe’s CISO offering has a full service offering including:

On-going Audits

Deployment Assistance

Security Training for Best Practices

TrustMe CISO Offering also has a range of ways to measure and quantify the productivity and risk of individual employees to drive better efficiency initiatives, training, and sprint planning.

The solution connects with JIRA, Github, BitBucket, and more to measure developer productivity through metrics including open/closed tickets, completed sprints, and commits.  All of this helps provide visibility and better understanding of sprint predictability.

TrustMe CISO tools and services provided assess company security and implement the platform include:

Static App Security Testing (SAST)

Dynamic App Security Testing (DAST)

Software Composition Analysis (SCA)

Quality Code Analysis

Infrastructure-as-a-Code (IAC) Analysis

Risk Management & Compliance